A 7 Day Pill Box Reduces Medication Errors in Hospitals and Nursing Homes

MED-Q 7 day Pill box is a medical marvel.  Medication errors are responsible for  many    unnecessary deaths and severe injuries.  (http://www.prweb.com/releases/medical-malpractice/medication-errors/prweb10434865.htm  ).

Pill Reminder

The MED-Q 7 day pill boxis a Pill clock that has been designed to reduce errors.  These errors from mom forgetting pills or Dad forgetting medication or forgetting depression medication are Responsible for Death and loss of independence and reduced Quality of Life.

Pill Box

“Medical malpractice, including medication errors in hospitals, doctor’s offices, and nursing homes has become a serious problem affecting millions of lives,” according to California medical malpractice lawyer r and  licensed physician Dr. Bruce Fagel. “Despite the lawsuits, media coverage, and watchdog groups that have brought this problem to the public’s attention, far too many patients are seriously injured every year from medical malpractice.”Non-Compliance the medical term for not taking medication as prescribed by your health care provider leads to over 125,000 deaths per year. The seriousness of the problem cannot be under estimated. Nor can the need for a 7 day pill box to solve this problem.  That

Medical Non Compliance is a serious issue in the United States, effecting the Senior Population with devastating results.   That is why a MedicationTimer  or Pill Organizer alarm is needed. A Timer Pill Box means no forgetting pills

 The Institute of Medicine’s  report showed that 1.5 million Americans are injured each year from medication errors in hospitals, doctor’s offices, and nursing homes. The Journal of the American Medical Association , approximately 225,000 people are needlessly killed every year from medical malpractice in addition to Non-Compliance. The Institute of Medicine report also disclosed a disturbing fact,” on average, a hospitalized patient is expected to experience at least one medication mistake per day”.

7 Day Pill Reminder usedin Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Pill Reminder

Dr. Bruce G. Fagel, who recently spoke at the American Heart Association National meeting and appeared on PBS “Need to Know”, presented the magnitude of the problems with medication errors in Hospitals and Nursing Homes.  A PBS video highlights the use of devices like a 7 day Alzheimer’s pill alarm.

Staff writer

GETMED-q Pill Clock and Pill timer   https://medqpillbox.com/

MED Q Pill Box and Medication reminder   http://www.getmed-q.com/

You Tube Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YOwCpJp7zE

Why do you need an Auto Pill Dispenser to control high blood pressure?

A study of 73,527 patients with high blood pressure in the European Heart Journal discovered patients who did not stick take medication right had a four-fold increased risk of dying from a stroke.

old lady pills need help (1)

A Pill timer or Pill clock is needed to solve this problem. An auto pill box reduces risk 300%


  • An auto pill box that assures proper medication will prevent a three-fold increased risk in ten years.
    An Pill Dispenser, Pill reminder, Pill Box with Alarm , Pill Clock, Pill Alarm clock, Timer Pill Box, Alzheimer’s pill alarm, Forgetting depression medication, Mom Forgetting Pills, Dad Forgetting Medication
    • A Pill reminder or pill dispenser user vs a non-user had a 5.7-fold lower risk of dying from a stroke
    • Patents who didn’t use a Medication alarm clock or medication to take their medication were more likely to need hospital care after a stroke.
    • Risk of hospitalization was 2.7-fold higher in the second year after taking anti-hypertensive pills compared to adherent patients, and 1.7-fold higher . The need for a pill Box or pill organizer alarm is obvious.
    • In the year in which they went to the hospital with a stroke, their risk was nearly two-fold higher than the auto pill dispenser users to die.

Dr Kimmo Herttua at the University of Helsinki , Finland, said: “These results emphasize the importance of patients using a pill box or some type of medication reminder in taking their medications correctly in order to minimize their risk of fatal and non-fatal strokes cannot be underestimated. Non-adherent patients have a greater risk even ten years before they suffer a stroke.”

They considered that patients adhered if they took them correctly more than 80% of the time. Non-adherence was divided into two groups: intermediate adherence (30-80% adherence), and poor adherence (less than 30%). An auto pill dispenser was not used in the study adherence control. The study included 73,527 patients aged 30 or older. Of these, 2,144 died from stroke and 24,560 were admitted to hospital with a stroke.
Degree of non-adherence
Patients’ risk was based on how people who adhered correctly to their medications compared to those in the two categories of non-adherence. Multiple types of pill reminders were used. Auto pill dispenser and electronic pill reminders have been shown to work best.
The researchers looked at to types of of antihypertensive drugs . They found that non-adherent patients taking diuretics (http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/guide/diuretic-treatment )or beta-blockers had a 7.5-fold increased risk of death and a four-fold increased risk of hospitalization.
The study was supported by the Academy of Finland, the UK Medical Research Council, the UK Economic and Social Research Council and the US National Institutes of Health.
The MED-Q auto pill dispenser can be the difference between life and death. With new study information the need for an auto pill dispenser has been proven. A simple change in you medication management can have life changing implications.

PILL Box with Alarm for the Birth Control Revolution

Historic methods of birth control include Crocodile dung, weasel bone, beaver testicles:
These are just a few of the substances used in attempts to prevent pregnancy over the mankind’s history. Now with the birth control pill in a daily pill clock there is finally a working method. Rabbit progesterone has provided the answer to safe, reliable birth control. Unsafe and dangerous means to end pregnancies have been used throughout history. Mom forgetting medication can lead to pregnancy.
Examples from Wikipedia
• Syringed themselves with lye or turpentine,
• Inserting probes,
• Ingested potions of Spanish fly and tansy oil.


The history of the pills development is surprising.
Previous birth control methods, in the form of timing, condoms and diaphragms, had a very high failure rate. Women were desperate to control the size of their families. There was no effective method and doctors of the era won’t do anything. A pill that could be taken with the help of a medication timer, pill box, pill organizer alarm
A cost effective birth-control method that would allow sex to be spontaneous has changed the way society functions Birth control pills distributed in a pill organizer has allowed sex without pregnancy. A woman can prevent pregnancy without her sexual partner’s knowledge. The challenge s was to insert the pill s in a pill organizer that can be taken safely. An extremely important fact: it’s reversible, so that if the woman wanted to get pregnant, she could.
It is difficult to relate to the social view points in the 50’s.
A Pill organizer with birth control pills that allow women to be sexual active was considered immoral and pornographic. Gregory Pincus (inventor of the Birth Control Pill), , was , denied a position at the Prestigious Harvard University for his experiments with in vitro fertilization. With $2,000 from Planned Parenthood,  a lab was set up in Worcester, Mass., with two other scientists, M.C. Chang and Hudson Hoagland. They began testing female rabbits by injecting them with the hormone progesterone. Pincus found that they simply did not get pregnant.

What has the Pill Box Accomplished
Pill Organizer filled with Birth Control P:ills allows women to have sex without the fear or possibility of pregnancy following sex. This allowed them to pursue education, careers, equal opportunities as men. In the 1950s, in most of the United States, dissemination of birth control or information about it was illegal because of “obscenity” laws. A pill alarm clock or medication alarm clock can ensure the pi;ll s taken properly., ,
Pincus needed human test subjects.
Pincus was 100% sure that women would try a new birth-control method, even if it was risky. For 1,000’s of years, women have used risky and dangerous methods to end an unwanted pregnancy. In 1956, progesterone was dispensed to women in Puerto Rico and Haiti. Pincus would stretch “the boundaries of law and ethics” to test on women. The doctors disregarded the two most important protocols of modern medical research. They didn’t inform the patients of the purpose of the study or warn them of possible risks. The pill organizer dispenser proved the pill to be safe and successful. In 1960, the FDA approved the pill in the US.
To be effective it must be taken every day at the same time. A pill organizer was desigend in the initial packaging phase to make it easy for users. Technology has created devices like the MED-Q Pill Box with alarms to ensure proper timing.