Amazing Automatic Pill Dispenser on The Market.

MED-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser, medication reminder, all rolled up in one.    The “NEW” Automatic Pill Dispenser has gotten unbelievable response in Arizona.  They are saying, “Why didn’t you come up with this before.  I never worry about taking my medications anymore.

Pill Reminder


View the free operation video on You Tube.

The Med-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser with Flashing and Beeping Alarms

The Automatic Pill Dispenser great for use by loved ones.  Caregivers using this tool ( ) have eased the daily burden that comes with the responsibility of medication management.  Where else can such a small investment have such a huge impact on everyone’s lives?

The Med-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser with Flashing and Beeping Alarm is a medication reminder and automatic Pill dispenser in a user friendly.  MED-Q is an affordable, 21st century technology designed to address the problems of forgetting and double dosing.   MED-Q Automatic Pill Dispenser can be seen on these websites: American Red Cross, AARP  and American Heart Association.

Triple Alarms

A flashing light will illuminate the individual box that needs to be taken with a bright red LED  LIGHT.   This means no mistakes.  In addition to the light, there is an escalating alarm that continues to sound until pills are taken.  The medication reminder that actually works.

Automatic Pill Dispenser to help the Elderly regulate the correct time for their medications is a key factor in keeping seniors at home and out of the nursing home.   This system was especially designed for the elderly Alzheimer’s patients.  The visually or mentally impaired patients with complicated daily medical regimes benefit from the pill box as well..  A tool to take one of the burdens of medication off the patient and transferring it to modern technology is a big plus.

This new automatic pill dispenser has had an impact on Arizona seniors.  The goal was better health and independence.  The goal has been met.

Staff Writer

MED-Q Pill Box  /

PILL Box with Alarm for the Birth Control Revolution

Historic methods of birth control include Crocodile dung, weasel bone, beaver testicles:
These are just a few of the substances used in attempts to prevent pregnancy over the mankind’s history. Now with the birth control pill in a daily pill clock there is finally a working method. Rabbit progesterone has provided the answer to safe, reliable birth control. Unsafe and dangerous means to end pregnancies have been used throughout history. Mom forgetting medication can lead to pregnancy.
Examples from Wikipedia
• Syringed themselves with lye or turpentine,
• Inserting probes,
• Ingested potions of Spanish fly and tansy oil.


The history of the pills development is surprising.
Previous birth control methods, in the form of timing, condoms and diaphragms, had a very high failure rate. Women were desperate to control the size of their families. There was no effective method and doctors of the era won’t do anything. A pill that could be taken with the help of a medication timer, pill box, pill organizer alarm
A cost effective birth-control method that would allow sex to be spontaneous has changed the way society functions Birth control pills distributed in a pill organizer has allowed sex without pregnancy. A woman can prevent pregnancy without her sexual partner’s knowledge. The challenge s was to insert the pill s in a pill organizer that can be taken safely. An extremely important fact: it’s reversible, so that if the woman wanted to get pregnant, she could.
It is difficult to relate to the social view points in the 50’s.
A Pill organizer with birth control pills that allow women to be sexual active was considered immoral and pornographic. Gregory Pincus (inventor of the Birth Control Pill), , was , denied a position at the Prestigious Harvard University for his experiments with in vitro fertilization. With $2,000 from Planned Parenthood,  a lab was set up in Worcester, Mass., with two other scientists, M.C. Chang and Hudson Hoagland. They began testing female rabbits by injecting them with the hormone progesterone. Pincus found that they simply did not get pregnant.

What has the Pill Box Accomplished
Pill Organizer filled with Birth Control P:ills allows women to have sex without the fear or possibility of pregnancy following sex. This allowed them to pursue education, careers, equal opportunities as men. In the 1950s, in most of the United States, dissemination of birth control or information about it was illegal because of “obscenity” laws. A pill alarm clock or medication alarm clock can ensure the pi;ll s taken properly., ,
Pincus needed human test subjects.
Pincus was 100% sure that women would try a new birth-control method, even if it was risky. For 1,000’s of years, women have used risky and dangerous methods to end an unwanted pregnancy. In 1956, progesterone was dispensed to women in Puerto Rico and Haiti. Pincus would stretch “the boundaries of law and ethics” to test on women. The doctors disregarded the two most important protocols of modern medical research. They didn’t inform the patients of the purpose of the study or warn them of possible risks. The pill organizer dispenser proved the pill to be safe and successful. In 1960, the FDA approved the pill in the US.
To be effective it must be taken every day at the same time. A pill organizer was desigend in the initial packaging phase to make it easy for users. Technology has created devices like the MED-Q Pill Box with alarms to ensure proper timing.